UWE Harvard Word Formatting

An implementation of the Harvard referencing style based on the description by UWE for Microsoft Word 2007 and later. The file is based on “Harvard – Anglia” by Yves Dhondt (availble from BibWord) and has been adapted by Andrew Cartwright and myself to be similar to UWE Harvard standard. If there are any issues, please get in touch.

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CoffeePot (HTCPCP)

CoffeePot is based on the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (although slightly modified) and is used to order coffee remotely. The project is written in Java and is based on a client-server architecture. The server emulates a coffee machine, taking orders from anything that connects to it, be it the client or telnet, then reporting back to the client once the order has been completed.

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LostMyMobile provides a listing of lost mobile phones and gives a way for users to get in contact with anyone that finds them. Written in PHP using MySQL for my Data, Schemas and Applications module at University. Users must register an account to upload details of their lost phone. Once users have added their phone, all they have to do is wait to see if anyone contacts them.

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