Windows Server 2012 – WinRM Corrupt or Missing

I recently had an issue with a Windows Server 2012 machine where if I ever tried to add or remove a feature I would receive the following error:

Failed to open the runspace pool. The Server Manager WinRM plug-in might be corrupted or missing.

After a number of hours searching on and off, I found a somewhat related solution to the problem here. The first step is to run the following command to see what addresses you are listening on:

netsh http show iplist

I found that my machine was only listening on (its main IP address). So, based on the solution I found, I added the loopback address ( using the following command:

netsh http add iplisten

And voilà, the error disappears and everything works as it should.

3 thoughts on “Windows Server 2012 – WinRM Corrupt or Missing”

  1. Great tip thanks a lot! Was seaching since hours why I can’t add a role to a ‘2019 Server.

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