I had been trying to set up Internet Information Services (IIS) under Windows 7 to use PHP and MySQL to save myself the trouble of having both IIS and XAMPP installed. After a short time I managed to get it running rather easily using the Web Platform Installer. This was great apart from a couple of small annoyances when developing PHP applications. After a few weeks of use, I decided it was about time to switch back to XAMPP as it removed all of the annoyances I had encountered – here, I ran into a couple of problems!
Continue reading NT Kernel & System using Port 80Tag: MySQL
LostMyMobile provides a listing of lost mobile phones and gives a way for users to get in contact with anyone that finds them. Written in PHP using MySQL for my Data, Schemas and Applications module at University. Users must register an account to upload details of their lost phone. Once users have added their phone, all they have to do is wait to see if anyone contacts them.
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