Update Dynamics 365 Navigational Properties through the Web API

After taking my first steps into integrating services with Microsoft Dynamics 365 I have learnt a thing or two about the service and feel I should share them. The first thing I’m going to go through is how to update a navigational property of an entity using the provided Web API. I am going to assume you know how to access the API and have an token as that is a whole other guide!

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Umbraco Examine Search [Part 2]: Postbacks in Razor Scripts

This second post is aimed at building the search box that will be used for sending the query to the page containing the search results. Normally this would be an easy task of just creating a form and setting the action url to your results page. Due to the way we are creating cleaner URL’s, it isn’t quite as straightforward.

Continue reading Umbraco Examine Search [Part 2]: Postbacks in Razor Scripts

Setting up Outlook.com and Hotmail Custom Domain Alias

I am currently in the process of moving over from a Linux VPS to a Windows VPS. Due to the limited resources of my current web server I am unable to run an exchange server to handle all of my email, calendar etc. I have therefore decided to make use of the relatively new Outlook.com for all of my website email addresses as it integrates well with the desktop version of Outlook. Previously, I had much more control over my email accounts compared to Outlook. This included the ability to assign multiple addresses to a single mailbox. I knew you could set up an alias for a Hotmail account so I began looking into how to set one up for my Outlook accounts.

Continue reading Setting up Outlook.com and Hotmail Custom Domain Alias

Umbraco Examine Search [Part 1]: URL Rewriting

One of the least documented aspects of Umbraco has to be the in-built Examine search mechanism. I’m going to do a couple of simple blog post’s to go through the whole process of building search into your site one step at a time. This first post is aimed at setting up nice url’s for your search page.

Continue reading Umbraco Examine Search [Part 1]: URL Rewriting